

Ogres are taller than humans by one to two feet generally. They have a wide board build, like dwarves and appear strong and muscular. They skin is coarse and sometimes blotchy, giving them an overall ugly appearance.

Their hair is black or brown and covers their arms and legs. They also have hair on their heads too but they lose most of it by adulthood. They have brown or black eyes, broad noses, and big lips. Their teeth are sharp and irregular, the result of neglect.


Ogres are much stronger than humans and better endurance as well. However, they are less intelligent and can be tricked, fooled, or confused by clever opponents. They are also clumsier than humans too.

They have an acute sense of taste and smell and have been known to detect poison in food easily and smell fires miles away. They can also see well as night.

They have no ability with magic and are immune to some spells. They build almost nothing and take what tools, weapons, and armor they own from others. They are hunters living in the caves of the Fire Mountains near the dwarves. Smarter ogres can survive and succeed in human society but are often aggressive.

Aggression also explains the ogre love of battle, sharp pointy weapons, and armor. They fight with most races (and eat them) and among the different ogre tribes in the immediate vicinity.

Ogre tribes have a leader but no shaman or priests. Leaders are usually the strongest males and don't live much passed 30 years, a result of their aggressive lifestyle.

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Other Races

Fire Mountains