

Giants are nine feet at a minimum. Many are a good deal taller. The exact height of giant depends on the type of giant it is, as noted below.

All giants have red or blonde hair and blue eyes. Their complexion is average and sometimes freckled. Some giants have braided hair – in the fashion of Valligarders – and some do not. Likewise, some giants have beards. The lifespan of the giant also depends on the breed.

Breed Height Bearded Lifespan
Hill giant 9 to 15 feet No; never 100 years
Stone giant 15 to 20 feet No; never 120 years
Fire giant 18 to 25 feet No; never 50 years
Storm giant 30 to 35 feet Yes; most of the time 200 years
Frost giant 18 to 25 feet Yes; always 150 years
Valligard giant 9 to 15 feet Yes; always 75 years
Sand giant 9 to 15 feet About 50% of the time 100 years
Mud giant 9 to 15 feet No 100 years


All giants are stronger than humans, but some giants are stronger than others. In general, the larger the giant, the stronger he or she is. However, sand and mud giants are not as strong as the same size hill giant.

Intelligence varies by breed. Storm giants, frost giants, fire giants, and Valligard giants are among the smartest of the race. Hill giants, sand giants, and mud giants tend to be a little slower and less intelligent.

Giants have a great stamina and endurance. As with strength, the larger the giant is the greater his or her endurance. Giants have an acute sense of smell and taste; they are also stubborn and have a bad temper. They are not faster than human; however, because of their size, they can cover great distances in a single stride.

Giants live in remote areas, mountains, high hills, volcanoes, frozen wastes, deserts, mud flats, and in the clouds with winged folks. In combat, they use large clubs, swords, and axes.

They do not waste time on crafts such as music or paintings mostly because they do not have the time to spare. They spend their time hunting, farming, weaving clothe, fixing up their homes, and so on.

Giants do not have the ability to wield magic. Storm giants do have the ability to create thunderstorm and call down lightning but this appears to be an innate ability and not magic.

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