

Hobbits range from three to four feet tall. They look like small human children in size and build except for the hair on their large feet. Hobbits do not wear shoes and large feet are prized among hobbits. Most hobbits are round and chubby and have round full cheeks. Their skin is fair and is sometimes freckled. They have round eyes, small, cute noses, and flat brows. Their hair is black, brown, yellow, or red. Their eyes can be blue, brown, or hazel. Hobbits live about as long as humans and any hobbit over seventy or eighty is an old halfing indeed.


Hobbits are more dexterous than they appear and, since they do not wear shoes, can move with great stealth. Hobbits love to eat frequently and are very good cooks. They also make good guests, and throw fabulous parties. Many hobbits are overweight or suffer from gluttony consequently. After eating they enjoy a good smoke and halfing tobacco is among the finest anywhere.

Because they are so small, hobbits do not have a great physical strength and do move fast as taller races. Hobbits live on farms or in small burrows dug in the side of hills. They love flower gardens too; they knowledge of herb lore is extensive, making them good apothecaries.

Hobbits are peace loving and prefer to settle differences as amicably as possible. However when provoked and they have no choice, hobbits will fight and quite tenaciously. They have skill with daggers, slings, and bows most often.

Magic wielding among hobbits is not unknown and it is believed that the first hobbit mage invented alchemy and Food spells. However, it is only a legend. Hobbit mages are not restricted in the form or type of magic they can learn.

Hobbits speak several languages quite well because of the constant involvement with these races: Thalacian, Elven, Khuzel, and Gnomish.

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